Nazmi MALICHI, Curriculum Vitae
Family name: Malichi
First names: Nazmi
Date of birth: 18 March 1957, village Stancich, Gjilan, Republic of Kosova
Nationality: Albanian
Lives in Kumanovo and in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
He is a full-professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the FON University- Skopje.
Institution Date from – to | Degrees and Diplomas obtained |
He defended postgraduate in The Institute for Sociological, Political and Judicial Researches, in University of Skopje “St. Cyril and Methodius” – 2003 with the subject ” Approaches Republic of Macedonia in NATO” | PhD (doctor of science) in Political Sciences (2003). |
He obtained the Master degree in University of Skopje “St. Cyril and Methodius” in the Faculty of Philosophy, 1999 on the subject “Political tolerance in function of the peace” |
Postgraduate studies: Sciences of Defense and Security (1999) |
He has graduated at the University of Belgrade- Faculty of Defense. | Dipl. Professor of Political Security (1982) |
On 19 November in 2003, from the Senate of the University of Eastern Europe in Tetovo, he was elected as a Docent in the group of socio – political subjects.
2002/2003/2004 |
“Public and private information’s system” and “Human rights and the role of public services” | 2004/2005 |
teachering “Political System”, “Political Sciences”, “International intercourses” | 2006 |
2006/2007 |
2006/2007 |
2004 – 2006 |
In March 2008, from Scientific Council of Faculty of Political Sciences in Fon University, he was elected as an associent professor in subjects:
2008/2013. |
2008/ 2013 |
2008 / 2013 |
In March 2013, from the Senate of FON University in Skopje, he was elected full professor in the subjects:
2013 |
2013 |
2013 |
Licensed as a mentor for doctoral studies,
On December 16, 2012 by the Accreditation Council for doctoral studies in the Ministry of Education in the Government of RM, Nazmi Malichi is licensed in the capacity of mentor for doctoral studies, group for foreign policy and diplomacy.
In September 2013, from Scientific Council of Juridical Faculty, in FON University was determined in teaching subject in postgraduate studies:
2013/2014 |
Career – Professor in secondary schools
- After graduation in 1981 he was employed as a professor in secondary schools in Kumanovo. In 1982-1983 he was a Head of defensive preparations in the textile combine “Integj” in Gnjilane, Kosovo.
- He proceeds again the job of a professor in secondary schools in Kumanovo. From 1983 to 17 September of 1987, at the time when he was differentiated from the positions of Albanian nationalism and separatism was expelled from educational process by the government of that time, as he opposed the mixed parallels where classes should take place only in Macedonian language.
- After this differentiation, to ensure the familiar existence, Nazmi Malichi worked and lived in Matesburg, in Burgelland of Austria, from 14 June 1988 until 13 April in 1993..
Political experience
- Nazmi Malichi in 1990 was among the founders of the first political party PDP, where he was also a candidate for MP in the first parliamentary elections (1990) in Kumanovo. Also in 1990 with a group of professors from Kumanovo, he was an active participant for reopening of classes of high schools in the Albanian language in Kumanovo and beyond.
- In the post of Deputy Minister of Defence in the Government of Macedonia, Nazmi Malichi came from Austria. In this post was from 28 April 1993 until 25 November 1994.
- In parliamentary mandate from 1994 -1998 was elected MP in the Macedonian Parliament from among the PDP in the area of Karshiaka in Skopje. He was a member of the Committee for defence and internal policy.
- In the years 1996 – 1998, was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, as representative of the parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Macedonia.
Other skills: He does researches in the field of politics, EU and NATO integration and human rights.
His publications are:
- Political tolerance in function of the peace, Fredric Ebert Foundation – Stiftung ,Skopje.2001 and 2003,
- Political tracks, IADC, Skopje 2001
- Leafing through, IADC, Skopje,2001
- Systems of public and private information (Digest), IADC, Skopje,2006
- Political management (translator), Foundation Friedrch Ebert-Stiftung , Skopje 2001
- Integration of Macedonia in NATO, IADC, Skopje, 2010
- Political Rationale, Skopje, 2011
Key qualifications and research interests:
- He has published more professional and scientific works. He currently works in some projects of which the “Democratic Club” – Skopje, is the leader cooperating wi
- Organizations and Foundations, like: Medium Monitoring in Macedonia, Human Rights as a Democratic Values, Principles in Local Self administration, Interethnic and Interreligious tolerance etc.
Professional experience:
- Nazmi Malichi, Traumas as a cause for conflict and potential threat to human rights and freedom, Eurozine, partner journals,
- Nazmi Malichi, Общите ценности не се прилагат насила, те трябва да се градят, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Sofia, 2010
- Kontrolli demokratik ne strukturat e sigurimit dhe te drejtat e njeriut, tekst i botuar ne permbledhjen “Te drejtat e njeriut si vlere demokratike”, IADC dhe Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert, f. 303 – 312, Shkup, 2002
- Referati ne teme, Maqedonia dy vjet pas Marreveshjes se Ohrit, Debati shkencor i organizuar nga Unioni i Inteligjencies shqiptare dhe Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert, Permbledhja ne teme “Implementimi i marreveshjes Kornize te Ohrit”, faqe 16 – 35, Shkup, qershor 2003
- Konference nderkombetare ne Shkup e organizuar nga Ministria e mbrojtjes e _epublikes se Maqedonise me teme “Makedonija vo NATO”, teskt i botuar ne permledhjen me te njejtin titull, f.123 –131, Ministria e mbrojtjes, Shkup, 2003
- Krimi i organizuar si dukuri sociopatologjike ne periudhen pas konfliktit si burim I i shkeljes se drejtave te njeriut, teskt i botuar ne permbledhjen “Traumat dhe dukurite sociopatologjike si pasoje e konfliktit dhe te drejtat e njeriut”, , IADC dhe Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert, f. 57- 68, Shkup, 2004
- Implementimi i marreveshjes se Ohrit – nxitje e ndervarshmerise shqiptaro – maqedonase, tekst i botuar ne Revisten “ Vizione” – 1, f. 60 – 79, Shkup, 2004
- Punimi me teme: Ndertimi politik i paqes ne Republiken e Maqedonise perms kuptimit te vlerave te perbashketa, teskt i botuar ne permledhjen “Preventiva e konflikteve”, f.157 – 170, Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert, Shkup, 2004
- Punimi me teme “Zbardhja e vlerave te perbashketa shqiptaro – maqedonase nga nje aspekt i mundshem politik”, botuar ne Revisten “Rrenjet”, f. 1580- 1601, Paradigma, Kumanove, 2004
- Punimi i botuar ne permbledhjen shkencore: Republika Makedonija 60 godini po ASNOM, f. 217 – 231, Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve, Shkup, 2005
- Punimi i botuar ne Revisten “Sovremena makedonska Odbrana”, f. 207– 214, Ministria e mbrojtjes, Shkup, 2006
- Punimi me teme: Demokracia perfaqsuese ne Republiken e Maqedonise, Revista per shkencat shoqerore “Vizione 7&8, IADC, Shkup, 2007
- Punimi me teme: Gjepolitika shqiptare ballkanike – dhe njohja nderkombetare e pavaresise se Kosoves, botues Revista per shkenca shoqerore “Vizione nr. 10, IADC, Shkup, 2008
- Punimi me teme: The EU Process: Is it Integration or Assimilation? faqe 123-129, Permbledhje e botuar nga Sipoziumi Ballkanik, SEMPOZYUM Balkanlarda Gelecek Tasavvuru Kultur, Siyaset, Orgutlenme ve Isbirligi Alanlar?, 2008
Participation in the symposiums and projects
- Te drejtat e njeriut si vlere demokratike, Bartes te Projektit: Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert dhe Shoqata e intelektualeve” Klubi Demokratik” Shkup (2001-2004)
- Monitringu i mediumeve elektronike dhe te shkruara, bartes te projektit: Instituti per hulumtime sociologjike dhe juridiko-poltike dhe Qendra ndihme per mediat – Bern, (2002-2003)
- Traumat dhe dukurite sociopatologjike si pasoje e konfliktit dhe te drejtat e njeriut, IADC dhe Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert, Shkup- Struge, (2003 – 2004)
- Shqiperia dhe Maqedonia drejt bashkepunimit te qendrueshem ne ndertimin e mirebesimit dypalesh dhe rajonal, bartes i projektit IDN – Tirane dhe Evro Balkan Shkup, projekt i sponzoruar nga USAID (2003 -2005)
- Komisioni per marredhenie ne mes bashkesive ne Keshillat e Komunave (si te funksionoje shumica e Padenterit), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje Public Administration Reform, 28 mars 2006
- Shteti i se drjetes dhe reformat ne Administraten publike, Organizator Qendra per Hulumtime te Administrates publike, UEJL – Tetove (dhjetor 2005 – shtator 2006)
- Komunikimi politik dhe vlerat demokratike, bartes i projektit Ambasada e Norvegjise ne Shkup dhe Misioni i OSBE ne Shkup (Tryeza debatuese te organizuara ne Kumanove, Shkup, Tetove dhe Oher, maj – qershor 2006)
- Proceset e integrimit Evroatlantik dhe Maqedonia, Bartes te Projektit: Fondacioni Friedrich Ebert dhe Shoqata e intelektualeve” Klubi Demokratik” Shkup dhe UEJL Tetove, (2005-2006)
- Nazmi Malichi , Political Identity and respect of political differences, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Institute of sociology, Faculty of Philosophy. Proceedings from the International scientific conference.Titled “ Identity in the era of globalization and Europeanization” Skopje , 3-4 November 2011.
Participation in the international conferences
- Referati ne teme, Security sector reform: a crucial commponent of peace – building in macedonia”, Konference nderkombetare ne Shkup e organizuar nga Geneva Centre for democratic control of armed forces dhe Fakulteti Fiolozofik, ne teme “Challenges of the Post – Conflikt Reconciliation and Peace – building in Macedonia”, f. 191 -196, Shkup, maj 2003
- Referati “Lidhjet ndershqiptare ne Ballkan – pjese e Historise politike e Evropes” ne Konferencen e organizuar nga Center for Minorities Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sofia Friendrich – Ebert – Stifung Round table meeting boundaries and possibilities for multietnic co-exsitence in Kosovo and Macedonia, zones of compability and incompability. Sofje, 2 dhe 4 korrik 2003. (Univerzitas, f, 34-43, nr.4-5, Tetove, Qershor 2004)
- Seminar regjional per kontrollen demokratike ndaj sektorit te sigurise, 3-4 dhjetor viti, Shkup, e organizuar nga Geneva Centre for democratic control of armed forces Gjeneve dhe Kuvendi i Republikes se Maqedonise, Shkup, 2008
- National and cultural identity and regional corporation , International , International Symposium on common governance culture, (istambul, 2011, IstambulAudin, Universitet, 2011
- Nazmi Malichi, Irina Cudoska and Zunun Zunini, “There is no Development without Knowledge – the Problem of Experts Outflow from the Balkan Countries” Presented on the International scientific conference ”New Knowledge for New Development”, MASA Macedonian Academy for Science and Arts, Skopje 7-8 October 2013.
- Nazmi Malichi, Migration – integrating factors and the Islamic idenditity ine Europe, UDC 2 – 678 (4), Studous and scientific magazine, Vizione, no. 19, IADC, Skopje, 2012
- Nazmi Malichi, Irina Cudoska and Zunun Zunini, “The Role of Mass Media in the Integration of Muslim Immigrants in the EU” Presented on the International scientific conference “Migration and Labor Market” organized by University St.Ciryl and Methodius”, Institute for Sociological political and juridical research, Krushevo, R.Macedonia, 19-20 October 2012
Skopje, november 2013
IADC – Intellectual Association Democratic Club – Skopje